Office Hotel in Ringsted
Jernbanevej 1, floor – 4100 Ringsted
Jernbanevej 1, floor – 4100 Ringsted
Voxevaerket has opened an office hotel at Ringsted train station. It is our smalles office hotel with five closed offices.
We have rented part of the 1st floor in the station building, so if you are looking for a small office in Ringsted, Voxevaerket Ringsted might be the choice for you.
The offices are found in different sizes, so whether you are alone or more, we can match most office requests.
On the daily, there are around 7100 people commuting to and from Ringsted train station. Thereby you will experience plenty of life. Besides this, the bus terminal is very close to the station that ties the center of the city and the mall closely.
Besides this, there are plenty of good parking options.
The price for an office, or more offices, in Ringsted you can find at the top of this page. You can find a floor plan with little green and red markers, that represent whether an office is rented or available. When you hover with your mouse over a dot, you will be able to see the monthly rent for this office.
When you rent an office with us at Ringsted train station the monthly rent includes water, electricity, heat, internet, and use of meeting spaces across the country.
Some of what makes Voxevaeret unique, is that you can use all of our meeting spaces all around Denmark. When you rent an office you will gain access to our “tenants page” where you can book meeting spaces. This means that if you stay at Voxevaerket ringsted, but need to go to Aarhus to have a meeting, you can simply book online.
We believe in diversity and variety. Therefore we have room for many different companies in Voxevaerket. In Ringsted we i.e. have an IT-programmer and a coaching-business. In Aabenraa we have i.e. a company that teaches pilates and in Charlottenlund we have a personal trainer in the basement.
There are several clinics that stay with us. I.e., on Amager.
So, no matter which business you’re in, we definitely have a place for you. If not in Ringsted, then in another location.
Voxeværket ApS
Københavnsvej 69
4000 Roskilde
Telephone: +45 70 70 70 41
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