Office Hotel in Odense
Svendborgvej 226 – 5260 Odense S.
Svendborgvej 226 – 5260 Odense S.
In Odense S you will find Voxevaerkets office community close to the highway. A nation-wide chain of different office hotel that despite is goals in shared economy, community, and development, provides extra value to the thought of “living together”.
The concept of Voxevaerket focuses on strengthening entrepreneurs and smaller businesses through free consulting surrounding sales, sales strategy, and more. A lease with us gives you access to other of our office hotels without further charge.
Some of the perks you will receive as a tenant in Odense includes:
The nice office spaces in Voxevaerket are for rent from only 1.090 DKK per month, and you will get a lease without binding and with just 3 months deposit.
Voxevaerket in Odense is located in a typical business neighborhood outside of the center of the city. However, it is not like other office hotels. Here you will find plenty of space and possibilities for storage and innovation. The location of the office community on Svendborgvej provides direct access to the highway on Fyn (E20) easily. Field and forest is located nearby, so you can go for a nice and refreshing walk during your lunchbreak to charge your batteries.
Voxeværket ApS
Københavnsvej 69
4000 Roskilde
Telephone: +45 70 70 70 41
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